Tuesday, May 28, 2013


i always think of really great email titles randomly during the week and then forget them. drats. well, happy memorial day! yesterday! it was a great week (as usual.... i mean we're doing the Lord's work so how could it NOT be?;) ) and a hard one (as usual.... try something new next time, satan) and i loved it :) 


this ward is AMAZING and it's so so fun to be here! i am also really loving being the junior companion again and getting to learn LOTS from sister erickson hahah :) 


you will also be pleased to know that i can open a pop bottle with a fork. please, hold the applause. please. it's embarrassing. okay, yes, i am pretty amazing. haha. nothing like nothing when you don't have anything because you're living in a brand-new empty apartment! #missionaryadventure okay i'm done haha. :) anyways that was awesome, and i am pretty proud of myself.


also, WISCONSIN IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STATE. you guys. i don't think you understand. i would have run us off the road if i had been driving because WE DROVE ALONG THE FOX RIVER AND IT IS SO SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL. i could NOT handle it. sister erickson was like "are you okay?" because i was like MAD at how beautiful this world is. seriously. Heavenly Father loves us so so much guys. It's unreal. and the fox river. is. beautiful. i didn't even get any pictures i was freaking out so much. plus pictures are the worst at capturing it. IT IS JUST THE BEST OKAY. mosiah 18:30. MOST BEAUTIFUL LAND. i love it here :)


so yesterday (memorial day) was prime proselyting and we were stoked because we had 3 lessons lined up and members set to come to all of them and we were way excited. then........... one by one............... all of them canceled haha. (to be fair, the 2nd one didn't cancel but we had to give it to the onieda elders because we found out it's actually in their area.) but yeah, day emptied haha. SO we went contacting! we walked down by the river and just talked to people...... one of whom just came up to us in the library to say hi haha hey r! r da packers fan doncha know we just like to talk a-boat Jesus, yessir! haha LOVE the wisconsin accent. so we walked down dere and talked to some pretty cool people and prayed with all of them, including two homeless people, one of whom told me his name was "...Bob....." riiiiiight haha so whatever, I'm praying "please bless Bob" and he bursts out "JERRY!!!" so i guess his name was actually jerry hahahaha whatever. awesome. it was kind of rainy so not too many people were out but we met some good people and it was a really good day :) and we had dinner with 2 awesome families in the ward and the food was AMAZING, so there's that haha and it was just salad and bread! miraculous. oh and also door county cherry pie. people here are really proud of door county so please, be impressed :) haha it was really delicious. and sister m is a philosophy professor so that's awesome and she's awesome and she served a mission to milan after joining the church while BROTHER m was on a mission. yeah, awesome family! she's coming with us to a lesson with T and speaking of whom......


so we went to go visit t, a former, and set up a lesson.... he was way way nice and his friend was too, we set up the appointment and had the prayer, and they were way excited to learn more, they even invited us to come in and have a couple of beers! hahahaha we were like uhhhh we actually don't drink and we gotta gooo........ so they gave us some orange sodas instead. hahahaha. thanks, t. :) 


so that was fun. and we met a lot of other cool people this week too. and painted a lady's bedroom and talked about the gospel lots and prayed lots. it's been really fun and really cool to just talk with EVERYBODY and be like "...woah. YOU are the person God wanted me to talk to and pray with today???? i never woulda guessed...." hahah which is a prime example of why HUMANS running this operation would very, very, VERY quickly run it right into the ground hahaha THANK GOODNESS the Lord is with us, and mindful of us, and aware of us, and trying so hard to help us out!!!! we just gotta have courage and open our mouths and live the way we know we should. the Lord will help us, I know it. :) it's amazing! we even met someone on our way to go see someone ELSE (who wasn't home) who was like "Are you LDS?" which seriously never happens haha so we talked to her and her friend and we're going back to teach them on Monday :) So boom, yeah, awesome, thank you Heavenly Father :) 

Missionary work is amazing! I love it and I love Jesus Christ. I know that He is our Savior & Redeemer, and I know He lives :) Hallelujah!!!

love, love, love you all ----

sister cece proffit :)

*oneida is how you actually spell it. :)

Oh ps i met an investigator on exchanges who said the opening prayer and kept saying "Lord I am struggling, please help me, i know that's just satan trying to steal my joy" and he kept using the phrase "satan trying to steal my joy" and i just really liked it and it reminded me of you(Nathan) and made me smile :)

love you!!! yeeeehawwwww texas!



sister cec :)

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