hello dear family :) :) sorry for
the short one last week! it's been lovely around here.... well actually sister
butler really did have the flu so we stayed inside wednesday thursday friday
but it wasn't too bad because we did TONS tuesday saturday & sunday. so
that was good. :) :) being inside all day is weird as a missionary because
there is like...... nothing to do. and you feel pointless haha. but i'm almost
done reading Jesus the Christ! haha :)
tuesday we saw sister h with her
VT's in the am and her HT's in the pm haha :) :) aaaaaaaaaand i love them.
seriously so, so perfect for her.
IMPORTANT: here is a thing that i
have realized.
all of the problems in the church
could be solved if people just did their home & visiting teaching, &
invited their neighbors to things.
this is true.
anyways her home teachers are great,
it's a dad & his son, and we just LOVE THEM. the dad joined the church as
an adult (did not know this!! awesome!!) and the son is 14 and just SO CUTE and
he reminds me of my brothers SO SO MUCH so i was just smiling like an idiot
imagining my dad & brothers being home teachers and it was AWESOMENESS. i.
just. loved it. :) :) :) also we saw my friend k who i love, and my other
recent convert friends the m family. #retentionbaby. :) :) also on tuesday i
made myself a delicious salad, congratulations to myself. #proud.
thennnnnnnnnnnn sickness consumed
the land......................... oh. and sad story....... elder kemper went
home :/ they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him so they sent him home
to have more tests. so now elder serrano is here. elder kimzey..... oh my
goodness. this is fantastic. highlight of the sick days: elder kimzey figured
out who all of us are in LOTR. (the fellowship.) elder kemper is gandalf
because he died. falling. fighting an unknown beast.
(seriously????!!!!!!! yes.) and he could [potentially] come back. elder beech
is aragorn because he is the leader now & because we're pretty sure he's
going to be the next assistant/king. elders thompson & larson are merry
& pippin.... elder kimzey is frodo, elder croft is sam because he is like
the sam-est person ever, & sister butler is legolas & i am gimli.
because that is our relationship, according to elder kimzey. and then elder serrano
is boromir. because he used to be the assistant. etc. it was hilarious.
probably because we'd been inside for 3 days. but seriously it's perfect hahaha
:) :) :)
and then it was saturday!! and we
still both felt kind of sick but we were MOSTLY sick of being inside so we went
outside anyways and it was great. sister butler made cute little flyer invites
for the trunk or treat and then we drove them around to everybody we could
think of. it was fun times. and it was cool to just go on straight inspiration.....
one time we were driving and she literally started hitting me haha saying
"wait wait wait wait wait who is that one person with the cute little
blonde baby who gave us flowers who lives around here........"
"uhhhhhh... oh!!!" and then we drove there & they were home &
they are coming to trunk or treat, YAY :) :) :) I <3 church activities.
also, this is cool. felt like a straight photograph of a missionary. we were
driving to see t w / teardrop tattoo, and i missed the turn because we were coming
from a weird angle, so i ended up weirdly far away and i was like.... should i
make a u-turn? and sis butler's like whatever, we can just walk. so we did. and
GUESS WHO WE SAW. my bff c. who (i think i told you this story??) gave us
flowers & talked to us in his garden like, a month ago. ohhh hello c!! yes,
i would love to answer your questions about the purpose of life and where we
lived before we were born and the restoration of the gospel and prophets. :) :)
:) :) :) yesssss. good times. teardrop tattoo wasn't home & neither was
tina. oh well. :) :) :) aaaand just lots of cool stuff like that happened.
bishop's family invited one of our on-the-brink-of-former investigators &
now they're coming. YAY. :) :) :) :) :) also, we tried to go see the p but they
weren't home. going back asap. :) :)
and thennnnnnnnnnn it was sunday and
it was my favorite day. :) :) :) church was marvelous. like 90 people told me
afterwards that i'm weirdly happy haha well they didn't put it that way haha they
were just like "it's good to have your enthusiasm in the ward......"
or "you sure are happy....." etc etc hahah thaaaaanks team ;) i
juuuuuuuustttttt really love the gospel?? :) :) :) & when i'm talking about
i just get SOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDDD :) :) :) oh ALSO, i have a new bff. her
name is sister h. she is deaf and we are bffs. how many words have i ever
spoken to her? well, a lot, but she can't hear them so it doesn't count. actual
communication is limited. but still. we are bffs. even sister butler agrees. we
always sit by each other at church and we always hug and we are always so
excited to see each other and i just love her. and sometimes i call her but i
have to use an awkward middle-man translator and i do not like that.
buuuuuuttttt other than that we're besties. and they're starting a SIGN CLASS
HERE hooray!!!!!! :) :) :)
oh but sunday. great day. love
church. sis butler and i spoke, along with sister c who is just a doll, she
joined the church a while back & her family aren't members but they came to
support her & we love them :) we mostly spoke on how living the YW values
helped us to be more Christlike (you have to be a Christlike
missionary, not just do missionary things -- PMG) & know God
loves us. good times. then bishop spoke about elder ballard's challenge #yes :)
:) sunday school about sacrifice, great, oh SISTER H got a calling!!!!!!!!!!
ward missionary in charge of activites. perf. :) :) :) i haven't said
"perf" in so so long hahah where did that even come from....... #old.
ps sorry you googled something bad!!!!!!!! i feel really bad haha...........
i've been out of the world too long????????? carlotta is a delicious dessert.
graham crackers & sweetened condensed milk & lime juice & something
else. mexican. named after a spanish queen though so i get the
problem........... whoopsie.
anyways. i love being in appleton
because i secretly spy & see my old friends at church and i'm like yes!!!
you're here!!!!!!! :) :) :) long-term effects babyy :) :)
anyways. where was i. i keep getting
distracted. OH YES. relief society was great, i played the piano for like a
musical-lesson about the hope of God's light and everyone cried which obviously
means it's a success ;) seriously though. thennnnnn sister butler and i had a
dance party for lunch........ and then we went to the tritapoe's for dinner and
i LOVE THEM, they're from tennessee or kentucky or something and they are just
SO CUTE and i love them. showed them alma 17:31-33, the cool version ;) and
THEN we went to INVITE THE WORLD to trunk or treat!! and this is my favorite
thing that happened: we stopped by a member's home to see if they had anybody
they wanted to invite, the mom was like "oh sure i'll take some for the
kids" and then we were like "do you know if any of your neighbors
might be interested?" "hmm.... well you could try" and then gave
us literally 4 houses to stop by haha. yesssssss :) :) :) invite the world!!!
then we went to them all and then came back to get our car & she gave us
pears. #yummy. then we went to see aNOTHER member and we could see through the
window that they had guests over for dinner so we were like uuuuhhh... but we
were there anyways so we knocked and we were just going to hand them the flyers
and leave but the dad was like no COME IN so we did and met their neighbors and
the member family explained who we were and about church & stuff & it
was chill & we ate homemade rolls with PASSION FRUIT BUTTER (whaaaaatt???)
and cookies and had an in-depth discussion about pens (G2 forever baby) because
being a missionary has made me a pen snob and apparently lawrence professors
are pen snobs too. #goodtimes. and theeeeeennnnn we invited them and left them
more invitations to invite the whole world............ stopped by another
members house, they insisted that we come inside, turns out they don't believe
in halloween hahaha (shout-out to mom!!!) but they were super nice. and their
daughter is getting ready for a mission so we gave them our # :) :) and we
taught them doctrine from the Book of Mormon & it was great. I LOVE MEMBERS
AND THEN. yes this was a wonderful
day. we went to visit a less-active friend, knocked & knocked & knocked
(this is the world's longest letter to make up for last week?hahah), no
answer... sis butler & i look at each other: "sidedoor?"
apparently that was a prompting. so we knock it even though it's awkward &
dark & we feel like we're trespassing. wellllll yes someone answers &
agrees to deliver the message & is nice. HOORAY. :) :)
AND THEN. oh family, it just gets
better :) :) :) :) we went to ONE more house on our way home because #onemore
is always the attitude we should have :) :) part-member family we've never met.
knock knock knock. nothing. again, side-door prompting. so we go. and the
world's nicest old man opens the door and is SO NICE and he LOVES CATS more
than anyone else i have ever met ever. literally, ever. SO MUCH LOVE FOR CATS.
there are like 20 and he was in the middle of feeding them dinner...... one
strip of steak, one chicken breast, wet food warmed & stirred, and then dry
food. "well it's all important!" oh, and bottled water. never city
water. apparently that gives cats UTIs. :) :) :) anyways, that made my life.
#capstone. best day. i loved it :) :)
i'm learning so much. i can't
believe it's been a year almost. like what even. what. even. i tell ya. best
decision ever :) :) :) alma 26:1. story of my mission. :) :) :) looooove it.
loooove wisconsin. loooooooooove you all to the moon & back :) :) :)
oh & i've started christmas
shopping!! m & j --- i bought you a cute necklace. but then i decided that
i really liked it. so i'm wearing it right now hahaha but i'll probably still
send it to you ;) & mom i bought you a cute surprise that i hope you like
:) :) :) what do y'all want for Christmas??????? give me a hint haha :)
LOVE YOU so so much :) :) :) miss
you tons. you are the best :) :) love love love
sister cece proffit :) :) :)
this is what we looked like talking
to chris. except he is man.
oh and also it's starting to get
cold & it tried to snow 3 times this week!!!!!!!!!
oh aaaaaaand on sunday we had ward
choir & i substituted playing the piano for that too. thanks mom!!!!!!!
hahah ;)

hello dear family :) :) sorry for
the short one last week! it's been lovely around here.... well actually sister
butler really did have the flu so we stayed inside wednesday thursday friday
but it wasn't too bad because we did TONS tuesday saturday & sunday. so
that was good. :) :) being inside all day is weird as a missionary because
there is like...... nothing to do. and you feel pointless haha. but i'm almost
done reading Jesus the Christ! haha :)
tuesday we saw sister h with her
VT's in the am and her HT's in the pm haha :) :) aaaaaaaaaand i love them.
seriously so, so perfect for her.
IMPORTANT: here is a thing that i
have realized.
all of the problems in the church
could be solved if people just did their home & visiting teaching, &
invited their neighbors to things.
this is true.
anyways her home teachers are great,
it's a dad & his son, and we just LOVE THEM. the dad joined the church as
an adult (did not know this!! awesome!!) and the son is 14 and just SO CUTE and
he reminds me of my brothers SO SO MUCH so i was just smiling like an idiot
imagining my dad & brothers being home teachers and it was AWESOMENESS. i.
just. loved it. :) :) :) also we saw my friend k who i love, and my other
recent convert friends the m family. #retentionbaby. :) :) also on tuesday i
made myself a delicious salad, congratulations to myself. #proud.
thennnnnnnnnnnn sickness consumed
the land......................... oh. and sad story....... elder kemper went
home :/ they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him so they sent him home
to have more tests. so now elder serrano is here. elder kimzey..... oh my
goodness. this is fantastic. highlight of the sick days: elder kimzey figured
out who all of us are in LOTR. (the fellowship.) elder kemper is gandalf
because he died. falling. fighting an unknown beast.
(seriously????!!!!!!! yes.) and he could [potentially] come back. elder beech
is aragorn because he is the leader now & because we're pretty sure he's
going to be the next assistant/king. elders thompson & larson are merry
& pippin.... elder kimzey is frodo, elder croft is sam because he is like
the sam-est person ever, & sister butler is legolas & i am gimli.
because that is our relationship, according to elder kimzey. and then elder serrano
is boromir. because he used to be the assistant. etc. it was hilarious.
probably because we'd been inside for 3 days. but seriously it's perfect hahaha
:) :) :)
and then it was saturday!! and we
still both felt kind of sick but we were MOSTLY sick of being inside so we went
outside anyways and it was great. sister butler made cute little flyer invites
for the trunk or treat and then we drove them around to everybody we could
think of. it was fun times. and it was cool to just go on straight inspiration.....
one time we were driving and she literally started hitting me haha saying
"wait wait wait wait wait who is that one person with the cute little
blonde baby who gave us flowers who lives around here........"
"uhhhhhh... oh!!!" and then we drove there & they were home &
they are coming to trunk or treat, YAY :) :) :) I <3 church activities.
also, this is cool. felt like a straight photograph of a missionary. we were
driving to see t w / teardrop tattoo, and i missed the turn because we were coming
from a weird angle, so i ended up weirdly far away and i was like.... should i
make a u-turn? and sis butler's like whatever, we can just walk. so we did. and
GUESS WHO WE SAW. my bff c. who (i think i told you this story??) gave us
flowers & talked to us in his garden like, a month ago. ohhh hello c!! yes,
i would love to answer your questions about the purpose of life and where we
lived before we were born and the restoration of the gospel and prophets. :) :)
:) :) :) yesssss. good times. teardrop tattoo wasn't home & neither was
tina. oh well. :) :) :) aaaand just lots of cool stuff like that happened.
bishop's family invited one of our on-the-brink-of-former investigators &
now they're coming. YAY. :) :) :) :) :) also, we tried to go see the p but they
weren't home. going back asap. :) :)
and thennnnnnnnnnn it was sunday and
it was my favorite day. :) :) :) church was marvelous. like 90 people told me
afterwards that i'm weirdly happy haha well they didn't put it that way haha they
were just like "it's good to have your enthusiasm in the ward......"
or "you sure are happy....." etc etc hahah thaaaaanks team ;) i
juuuuuuuustttttt really love the gospel?? :) :) :) & when i'm talking about
i just get SOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDDD :) :) :) oh ALSO, i have a new bff. her
name is sister h. she is deaf and we are bffs. how many words have i ever
spoken to her? well, a lot, but she can't hear them so it doesn't count. actual
communication is limited. but still. we are bffs. even sister butler agrees. we
always sit by each other at church and we always hug and we are always so
excited to see each other and i just love her. and sometimes i call her but i
have to use an awkward middle-man translator and i do not like that.
buuuuuuttttt other than that we're besties. and they're starting a SIGN CLASS
HERE hooray!!!!!! :) :) :)
oh but sunday. great day. love
church. sis butler and i spoke, along with sister c who is just a doll, she
joined the church a while back & her family aren't members but they came to
support her & we love them :) we mostly spoke on how living the YW values
helped us to be more Christlike (you have to be a Christlike
missionary, not just do missionary things -- PMG) & know God
loves us. good times. then bishop spoke about elder ballard's challenge #yes :)
:) sunday school about sacrifice, great, oh SISTER H got a calling!!!!!!!!!!
ward missionary in charge of activites. perf. :) :) :) i haven't said
"perf" in so so long hahah where did that even come from....... #old.
ps sorry you googled something bad!!!!!!!! i feel really bad haha...........
i've been out of the world too long????????? carlotta is a delicious dessert.
graham crackers & sweetened condensed milk & lime juice & something
else. mexican. named after a spanish queen though so i get the
problem........... whoopsie.
anyways. i love being in appleton
because i secretly spy & see my old friends at church and i'm like yes!!!
you're here!!!!!!! :) :) :) long-term effects babyy :) :)
anyways. where was i. i keep getting
distracted. OH YES. relief society was great, i played the piano for like a
musical-lesson about the hope of God's light and everyone cried which obviously
means it's a success ;) seriously though. thennnnnn sister butler and i had a
dance party for lunch........ and then we went to the tritapoe's for dinner and
i LOVE THEM, they're from tennessee or kentucky or something and they are just
SO CUTE and i love them. showed them alma 17:31-33, the cool version ;) and
THEN we went to INVITE THE WORLD to trunk or treat!! and this is my favorite
thing that happened: we stopped by a member's home to see if they had anybody
they wanted to invite, the mom was like "oh sure i'll take some for the
kids" and then we were like "do you know if any of your neighbors
might be interested?" "hmm.... well you could try" and then gave
us literally 4 houses to stop by haha. yesssssss :) :) :) invite the world!!!
then we went to them all and then came back to get our car & she gave us
pears. #yummy. then we went to see aNOTHER member and we could see through the
window that they had guests over for dinner so we were like uuuuhhh... but we
were there anyways so we knocked and we were just going to hand them the flyers
and leave but the dad was like no COME IN so we did and met their neighbors and
the member family explained who we were and about church & stuff & it
was chill & we ate homemade rolls with PASSION FRUIT BUTTER (whaaaaatt???)
and cookies and had an in-depth discussion about pens (G2 forever baby) because
being a missionary has made me a pen snob and apparently lawrence professors
are pen snobs too. #goodtimes. and theeeeeennnnn we invited them and left them
more invitations to invite the whole world............ stopped by another
members house, they insisted that we come inside, turns out they don't believe
in halloween hahaha (shout-out to mom!!!) but they were super nice. and their
daughter is getting ready for a mission so we gave them our # :) :) and we
taught them doctrine from the Book of Mormon & it was great. I LOVE MEMBERS
AND THEN. yes this was a wonderful
day. we went to visit a less-active friend, knocked & knocked & knocked
(this is the world's longest letter to make up for last week?hahah), no
answer... sis butler & i look at each other: "sidedoor?"
apparently that was a prompting. so we knock it even though it's awkward &
dark & we feel like we're trespassing. wellllll yes someone answers &
agrees to deliver the message & is nice. HOORAY. :) :)
AND THEN. oh family, it just gets
better :) :) :) :) we went to ONE more house on our way home because #onemore
is always the attitude we should have :) :) part-member family we've never met.
knock knock knock. nothing. again, side-door prompting. so we go. and the
world's nicest old man opens the door and is SO NICE and he LOVES CATS more
than anyone else i have ever met ever. literally, ever. SO MUCH LOVE FOR CATS.
there are like 20 and he was in the middle of feeding them dinner...... one
strip of steak, one chicken breast, wet food warmed & stirred, and then dry
food. "well it's all important!" oh, and bottled water. never city
water. apparently that gives cats UTIs. :) :) :) anyways, that made my life.
#capstone. best day. i loved it :) :)
i'm learning so much. i can't
believe it's been a year almost. like what even. what. even. i tell ya. best
decision ever :) :) :) alma 26:1. story of my mission. :) :) :) looooove it.
loooove wisconsin. loooooooooove you all to the moon & back :) :) :)
oh & i've started christmas
shopping!! m & j --- i bought you a cute necklace. but then i decided that
i really liked it. so i'm wearing it right now hahaha but i'll probably still
send it to you ;) & mom i bought you a cute surprise that i hope you like
:) :) :) what do y'all want for Christmas??????? give me a hint haha :)
LOVE YOU so so much :) :) :) miss
you tons. you are the best :) :) love love love
sister cece proffit :) :) :)
this is what we looked like talking
to chris. except he is man.
oh and also it's starting to get
cold & it tried to snow 3 times this week!!!!!!!!!
oh aaaaaaand on sunday we had ward
choir & i substituted playing the piano for that too. thanks mom!!!!!!!
hahah ;)