Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ask me the most basic question: what do i eat.

Don't judge. This morning I was despairing because I don't know what to write a personal narrative on because it has to show growth and I'm not very good at that sort of thing.... and then I realized I was hungry so I poured a little bowl of cheerios. And then another one. And as I was gazing at the lovely yellow box on the table I remembered my giant love for cheerios and especially for milk... and that is what spawned this post. So don't mind me, and pardon my morning appearance, I'm just showing you my fridge and cupboard contents :)

cheerios always made me happy when I was a little girl,
and they continue to do so today :) 

I also buy knock-off-knock-off bagged cereal. it's the cheapest.
the raisin bran is so that I can pretend to be healthy.


I also eat this oatmeal-y stuff my grampa gave me.
I usually add a lot of sugar :)

college student's best friend.


apples are magical and wonderful as well.

& sometimes when I'm feeling classy I will eat a toasted bagel.
spread with wHipped cream cheese :) 

and then on Sunday's I usually go to Gramma's and she feeds me normal people food like soup and salad and casserole and jell-o pie. {what's that? the last one isn't normal people food? hmm. says you....} :)
So no need to call the nutrition police.... yet :)

...and that is what I eat. :)

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