okay family. time to
buckle down and write this email. title courtesy of the Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting we went to yesterday. But more on that later :)
tuesday was blessed because we had district meeting,
which i love, and got to visit the n family, whom i also love, so go figure :) also,
watch for t n in the 2024 olympics. this girl is a swimming beast ;) also, they
read preach my gospel as a family every night, aka awesome :) :) they're
seriously so cool haha i'll tell you stories when i get home :) :)
quotes from dtm: [sorry i forgot my pmg where i usually
write them so i only have a few]
elder benny phelps, zone leader (remember him from the
mtc?) :)
"no thanks, i've already had food out of a bag
today." (......? apparently they categorize their food based on what it
comes in. hahaha.)
"lately when i pray in the morning and at night,
i've been putting forth the extra effort and i choose not to stop praying
until i feel different or better than when i began." i thought that was
cool :)
also, pretty sure he's a future AP. sister blood & i
are calling it ;) [#missionarymarchmadness]
so in case you haven't noticed, lately i've been a
teeeeny tiinnnyyyy bit stressed about coming home hahaha. but i've discovered a
cure. FOLLOW SPIRITUAL PROMPTINGS. aka if you've been feeling recently like you
should read your patriarchal blessing, you probably should because it will
probably make you feel TONS better. which is nice of the Lord, to prompt us to
do things like that ;) so basically i tore my patriarchal blessing apart in my
journal and set tons of goals and it was lovely and now i am WAY less stressed
so hooray for following da Lord :) (voice of fabian from the district 2) ;)
also on tuesday night i had a dream that i was
home and you all were being WEIRD but i was being super duper patient and
loving hahahahaha so hopefully that dream comes true ;)
thursday i got my flight itinerary; that was weird. but
luckily not too traumatizing because i had followed the spiritual prompting to
read my patriarchal blessing. or something. :) we also had dinner with the B
and I love them. Quote from President B: "This has been my favorite
winter! Nothing is wet! It's all frozen!!!!!!" (said with soooooooo much
happiness & joy <3 <3 <3
Friday was a fun day....... we got to go to doctor's
offices!!!! hahaha. #1: life is very inconvenient when you do not have a smart
phone or the internet. but we survive. using ghetto phone services like TellMe
#idonotlike. but anyways. we survived. :) also, going to the doctor as a
missionary = weirdest thing ever. because no one understands who you are or
what you do. but it's also awesomeeee because you get to tell them!! hahah :)
:) :) so some fun moments from friday:
- checking in at urgent care, we tell the receptionist
we're not employed, we're missionaries. "you're not not employed, you have
a job!" hahaha thank you my friend :)
- nurse: "dr. b will be in in a moment" me:
"hey, don't we have a former investigator with that last name? how weird would
that be?" --doctor-y things-- ~dr. b leaves and gives us a sheet that has
his full name on it~ ... me: "no way." it is him. the former
investigator. who somehow failed to mention that he's previously met with
missionaries hahaha. but he DID know that we don't drink, smoke, or use
caffeine! hahaha :) "you don't even drink caffeine, right?" ummm
sure. close enough ;)
probably the weirdest thing about sister blood and i is
that we are weird best friends who are allllwaaaaayyyysssss together. so they're
asking her all these questions and i'm correcting her at times or adding things
or whatever, and the doctors are confused by how i know all these things.
"how long have you known each other?" "3 months" [actually
only like 2 1/2] "..... you're pretty close......" hahah :)
Friday was alsooo
the ward "linger longer" activity, which was AWESOME because
soooooooooo many people brought their friends!!!! and we had a literal
hastening the work i'll go where you want me to go video moment with little m s
literally dragging his neighbor over to meet us hahaha so cool story, his
friend is down to read the Book of Mormon..... awesome right???
#hasteningthework #membermissionarywork #inviteinviteinvite :) :) :)
oh but also, we've been keeping a "headache
log" together hahaha and i'm quoting best two years every 5 minutes.....
"should i write that down??" :) :) :)
basically, she's a trooper, and we're keeping our spirits
up. we're hopeful for the future :)
SUNDAY was a great and wonderful day. i even wrote in my
journal about it ;)
here's the thing: i just really love church. i love that
when i'm tired and wimpy, church is there to be like a power pack of strength
and boom the Spirit just lifts me back up up up :) :) :)
also, this quote is for you dad: "it seems like the
Lord calls the crazy lunatics to work with the youth." [said to president
m, your counterpart here in the mke south stake] ;)
scripture of the day for this upcoming tuesday: alma
56:32. a million points for you if you can figure out why ;)
also, scripture chain courtesy of the brilliant and
spiritual sister melanie blood: 2 Ne. 32:3 / John 6:35 / Alma 32:42. When you
feast upon the Word (Christ), you will never go hungry agaaaaainnnn! (okay,
sorry to ruin it, but i just heard that in the voice of scar from lion king.
not sure why it's taken me that long to put it together.) J
in other news. Sunday was great. i love fast &
testimony meeting. i love that Romans 10:17 is true. (faith cometh by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God.) hearing others' testimonies strengthens my
faith. I feel the Spirit and it reminds me -- "you know this. this is true
happiness. remember?" and then i say oh yeah, i remember :) :) :) and i
love it. i love to go to Church. it's a choice! i could stay home and be like
"ehhh i'm not really feelin' it today......." but then my faith would
get weaker & weaker & weaker. instead, we press forward with faith,
trusting that a power-pack of spiritual goodness is "just around the
riverbend!" (apparently i'm in a disney music mood today...........) ;)
anyways. that was great :)
and THEN we went to my first Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting!! hooraaaaaaayyy!!! :) :) haha. it was actually super great. we went to
support my dear friends j & m, and it really meant a lot to them..... i was
actually surprised at how much it meant haha. they were speaking at an
"open meeting" they called it, and then we stayed to hear the last
speaker because sister b knew him and wanted to hear :) and it, was great. just
reinforced my testimony once again that the gospel changes lives. there IS a
strengthening and enabling power that comes only from Christ's Atonement, and
we call that grace :) :) :) and i just love it. favorite quotes:
"God is the driver, I am the passenger, but
sometimes I lean over and say, "weren't we supposed to turn back
there??"" hahaha #yes #aboutme ;) :) :)
[talking about his relationship with God] "Now I
can't shut up about it because I'm so excited about it and I'm so excited for
everybody else to get it!" :) :) :)
also, they had like a raffle ticket drawing between
speakers and they were like, "we need people with high moral
standards........... you two ladies!" weirdly sister blood and i both felt
like we were invisible? well, we were not, so your friendly neighborhood sister
missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ (never forget that it's Jesus Christ's
church!!!!!!) of Latter-day Saints got to pull the raffle tickets :) :) :) and
then at the end we all held hands and said the Lord's prayer. which i only
vaguely remember. but it's a good prayer. :) starting with: "whose
father?" "OUR FATHER..." hahaha #lovedit :) :)
the AA meeting reminded me a lot of like Alma 36:18 / Alma 22:18. the last
speaker said at his lowest point he prayed (for the first time), "I don't
know who You are, what You are, or if You are. but I. need. help." :) i
just really loved it. lives can change, people! i know this for a fact. i hang
out with changed people every day :) heck, i'm a changed person! and
it's really, really, great :) :) :)
i guess that's really all i had to say. just that i'm
grateful for Church. I know that it's true. i'm grateful for truth. i'm
grateful we can know it. i'm grateful for a prophet!!! fun fact: there is a
prohpet in israel :) (2 kings 5:8) :) :)
i just love this missionary life. and i love you all.
amen :) :)
happy fat tuesday / march 4th this week!!! :) :) i love
you bunches. one of the strongest points of my testimony right now is that we
can be a family forever. :) i was doing the christlike attribute activity this
morning and one of them says, "one of my greatest desires is to inherit
eternal life in the celestial kingdom" and i'm like yep, definitely, yes,
because i love my family and i would like to be with them forever. :) so thanks
for being awesome. thanks for being an anchor to my testimony :) :) :)
love you times infinity
seester cecelia proffit :) :) :)
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