Monday, August 12, 2013


last week has NOTHIN on this week hahaha it was so insane!!!!!!!!!!!!i loved every minute!!!!!!!!!!!! here is the run down for ya........... :) :)

monday -- bought a fantasticly awesome packer sweatshirt at the packer pro shop in lambeau field. do not ask me how much it cost. it was worth it. i <3 green bay FOREVER.

tuesday -- studies. rescue work with a member in the morning. Final lesson with heather & michelle <3. more rescue work with a different member in the afternoon. amazing lessons & finding the lost sheep. Cue panic attack when i think that i might not have a car and sister erickson teaching me how to use buses. dinner? nope, no time, gotta make heather & michelle's baptism interview happen and also get all my stuff packed into the car and okay well we probably should eat so we don't pass out and ahhhhh saying goodbye to everybody nope no time gotta get to milwaukee!!! sister wilcox dragged me away / drove me to milwaukee, we stayed the night with some CUTE sisters in west allis.
the end. i love gb FOREVER.

wednesday -- trainers & new missionaries meeting!!!!! CRAAAZYYYYYYYYY haha training stresses me out SO MUCH! but it is also SO GOOD! my new companion is sister butler! she is the cutest! she is 19! she is amazing! i love her!!!! picture attached :) 
and THEN. oh my goodness. day of miracles. so we drove from Milwaukee to appleton. and on the way i'm like "ohh yahh appleton is great, it's like a fairytale land, it's so cute" blablablah. WELL. we pull in. and it seriously reminded me of into the woods because it looked like a GIANT had been there picking up trees and throwing them around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no joke. turns out there had been a TORNADO in my absence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {i leave for one night and look what happens..............}. no but seriously. did you all know that i have been WAITING and HOPING to see a tornado, ever since i found out that they have them here??????????? well yes i have. and there were FIVE. F I V E. FIVE TORNADOES THE ONE NIGHT I WAS IN MILWAUKEE. {that should be a title of something. five tornadoes the one night i was in milwaukee. never ever ever thought that i would type those words.} so yes. there was a tornado. and there was no power. and all the roads were closed. TENDER MERCIES: 1) i served in appleton 3 months ago; i know the roads, i know the people. what. a miracle. president cutler you are inspired!!!!!!!!!! 2) somehow we both stayed calm????????????? MIRACLE. 3)............... we got in a car accident. did you know that my worst fear ever is crashing a mission car? wellllllllllllll it happened. But not really. we're both okay hahaha :) what happened WAS we were at the gas station trying to get gas because we had none but the gas stations apparently don't work when there has been a tornado?? so we were pulling out and waiting to go but the lady in front of us didn't see us so she just went in reverse really fast and hit us even though I honked the horn twice. boom. also they gave us a new car that had 26 miles when i picked it up in milwaukee. so i felt pretty bad hahah but the lady gave us her info and drove away......... and later we called elder shumway and it was okay. but it was just hilarious hahaha like of COURSE we crash a mission car on sister butler's first day in appleton! of course! :) :) :) hahahaha. OH CRAZY LIFE. but the MIRACLE is that it wasn't a way way worse accident because it totally could've been, with all the traffic lights down and crazy all-way stops and people being stressed and not knowing where they're going.......... the Lord was definitely protecting us, for sure <3 okay so by thiiiiisss time...... oh ps we tried to get into our apt but they had just changed the locks that morning for some reason??? So we had the neighbors key and not ours haha. and tornadoes are not friendly to cell service. but we finally called the landlady & she let us in, hooray! :) crazy crazy day. okay but so from all the driving around and searching for service and calling the zone leaders & the mission office & the landlady, our phone was about to die. and our house had 0 power. darkness. soooooooo we were like, okay, we gotta charge our phone. where? we drove to one of my member friends' houses but they weren't home and the house was dark anyways. tornadoes = no power anywhere. soooooooooo i'm just like uhhhhh i have no idea what to do, this has never happened to me before........ and sister butler's like "how about we say a prayer?" oh, good idea! haha. so we pray, and then just stand there and think & listen. and then get in the car and start driving. sister butler: "do you know how to get to the church from here? something keeps telling me duh, go to the church!" well yes i do know how to get there (see tender mercy #1) so we go. and LUCKILY (blessed-ly?) they had just installed little lock boxes on the outsides of all the church buildings with a key, and I know the password. so we got inside the church, flipped on the lights, aaaaaaand.......... no power. rats. okayyyyyyyy Heavenly Father, why did You lead us here??? we wander around a bit, check all the lights, look for a generator, nothing. huh. bummer. soooooo then we go outside, head back to the car....... hey look, a van! wave wave wave. (sister butler loves waving?) ta-da! it's a member! of the 1st ward! who just moved here so i've never met them! they are late bringing their son to mutual. we tell them that no one's there, and she's like "hey, what can i do for you? do you have power at your house?" actually...... no. "do you want to come to my house and charge your phone?" actually.......... yes. PLEASE. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So THAT'S a whole other amazing miracle. and we talked afterwards and realized it was weird that she was even AT the church because if she'd thought about it, the YM were driving past her house on their way to help someone up in hortonville! WELL ladies & gentlemen.... Heavenly
Father looks after His missionaries :) :) so we followed her home, charged our phone, and she fed us dinner (which was another tender mercy because we were starving.) hooray!!!!!!!! :) :) then we went home and went to sleep on mattresses on the floor because our house is still in boxes. TENDER MERCY: sister butler's momma made her pack a flashlight! yayyyyyy indoor camping! :) :) welcome to wisconsin, sister b :) :)

okay those pictures do not do a very good job of showing it but the land was in chaos. So THURSDAY morning we wake up, the zone leaders come over to bring me a case of my stuff (I have too much stuff….)and then we’re like ‘hey, what are you doing today?’ and they’re like ‘service, wanna come?’ and we’re like “YEP” so we put on our jeans and t-shirts and move branches all day  woooo-hoooo   here are some pictures

oh i forgot more things! rats. okay we finally got power back Friday night, and sister butler prayed "thank thee for our power..." (meaning electrical) but it got me thinking about our Spiritual power.... kinda cool :) :) :)

also on monday or tuesday (i forget which day) i studied alma 22 & learned that nothing ever happens the same way twice...... :) that story cracks me up. aaron's like "yes! they're passing out! just like what happened to ammon!" and then the queen's like "kill them!!" and aaron's like "uhhh shoot, this is not what happened to ammon....." but then what SEEMS like a bad thing turns out the be the BEST thing because GOD IS IN CONTROL & He is a God of MIRACLES & one of His greatest miracles is the salvation of His children :) :)  also i love alma 26:1. who could've known when i started (almost a year ago!!!!!!!!!!) what AMAZING miracles & blessings the Lord would send to me in wisconsin :) :) :)  love, love, love it :) :)   xoxox

so that was Thursday. We got to wear our nametag (name- teg) and meet lots of neighbors and say lots of prayers, so that was lovely.  THENNNNNNN friday. friday things kind of calmed down a bit. Oh thursday night we got to have correlation, which is amazing for opening a new area, it lets you have some actual direction haha so that was good :) :) friday we got some potentials & formers from the elders, oh and we had an APPOINTMENT with a recent convert we met cleaning houses (miracle!!) and a referral from BROTHER Y*** who has moved to madison for grad school but i still love him & his family FOREVER. they met this couple in the mall and we're not sure exactly what happened but they exchanged phone #s & addresses & sent us there. hahaha YES, AWESOME. anyways GREEAAAAAAATTTTTT lesson!!!!!!!!!!! We used the pictures from the restoration pamphlet (a challenge from president cutler) and after the 1st one she was like "do you want to come in??" well, yes, we do! & we went through all the pictures and she is just so cute and her 10 year old daughter was there too & they are searching for truth and sister butler is an amazing teacher and we got to sing to them because, well, duh, if the Spirit tells you to you do it! :) :) :) sooooo that was amazing. i loved it :) :)

saturday: unpacking and errands. not as fun. we did finish weekly planning though. that was good. also there was a ward BREAKFAST which was so so fun :) :) i love this ward already!!!!!!! / fact: it is not fun to put dressers & desks & tables & chairs together. i wanna do MISSIONARY WORK. but we have to though. we have to make our apartment clean & holy so the Holy Spirit can dwell there with us :) :)

sunday... sister butler is sick :( it's the beginning of a mission sickness! it gets all my baby pandas! (all two of them...) :( poor sister. she got a blessing on sunday though and we both felt the Spirit way strong. she is an amazing missionary with a lot of faith and an amazing talent for following the Spirit. I'm so lucky to be her
companion!!!!! i decided i like opening and training (did i tell you that was my worst fear? after crashing a mission car?.....) because it puts you more on the same page :) anyways i love her & i'm excited for the transfer together :) :) i love appleton! again! still! haha it was crazy, i saw a bunch of people from appleton 1 on sunday and they were like "oh hey... HEY, it's you! what are you doing here? are you visiting???" haha noooo i'm in 2nd ward now! :) :) hilarious. & crazy & weird. i'm realizing more & more that i'm an "old" missionary
now?????????? when did that happen???????? passed my 1/2 way mark last week...................
asiufhsr8ethaifhgsale8ityhilghklmghfsdjkghslfjkdghls. bizzARE. i don't know how i feel about it. so that's all i have to say there haha.

anyways i love appleton!! i love all of you!! i'll attach some more pictures of my friends :)

Alsooooooooo………………h and m got baptized on Saturday!!!!!!!!!! I just checked the email to make sure it really happened haha.  Hooray!  I was sad I couldn’t be there….:( but so happy for them JJJJ cutest girls EVER! I’ll forward you any pictures sister Erickson sends me JJJJ  LOVE YOU FAMILY!!!!!! Xoxoxoxox sister Cecelia Proffit

OH MY HEAVENS I ALMOST FORGOT on Saturday at the pancake breakfast a little boy throws his arms around me, declares that I am in jail, and the only key out is a kiss. Not. Allowed. Hahahahaha. sooooo funnyyyyyy & awkwardddddddddddd.  HahahahaJJJ

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