Monday, June 17, 2013

is there anything better than a sneak-atta​ck-from-th​e-back hug from an old hmong grandmama? no, no there is not :) :)

hello family! i can't believe how quickly this week has gone by! every week is like p-day, district meeting, exchanges, planning,service, saturday, church.... p-day again!! what the whaattt?? so this week went by way too quickly.
 the obviously highlight is (of course) getting to meet with an APOSTLE. hey remember how Jesus called like 12 or so apostles back in the day? and how after his death they called another one? Peter,James, John, those guys? yeah we have LIVING apostles on the earth today with the exact same power & authority and it is AWESOME. Jesus Christ has again called apostles and given them authority! and they go around the world and testify of Him! it is amazing! and one came to Wisconsin! and he shook my hand! and said hello sister proffit! and also 4 seventies were there! (those are from the bible too...) :) and it was awesome! and i played the piano while sister erickson played violin and my friends elder kanahele and elder densley sang! and i didn't even mess up that bad!! haha thanks for the prayers, seriously, it was really good and i loved it :) :) :)
  so that was awesome. Elders Ward, Funk, Nielson, and Clayton came, and then of course Elder Dallin H. Oaks, who it turns out is HILARIOUS and loves to make jokes about his balding head and then laugh so hard his shoulders shake hahahahaha it was marvelous. i loved it :) they're all so happy! :) of course i left my notes at home but the main thing isn't even what they said, it was just how they said it...... ah. i loved it. Elder Oaks talked for about an hour, it flew by, just random stuff kind of, he would be like "hmm what else do i need to tell you......" and then go off on something else. it was awesome. probably one of my favorite things he said was that we are the only ones (us + him and the other general authorities, but mostly us) who get to do this full-time. you'll spend the rest of your life trying to balance work and family and school and life, but right now you get to be a full-time missionary. so BE A FULL-TIME SERVANT. and just the way he said it..... the Spirit was like boom. yeah. do that. :) :) :) it's harrrrrrdd!! haha but it's the only way to be!!
> so sometimes i feel like i'm just getting worse and worse as a missionary as time goes on haha i think i'm in like a seven-month-slump or something............ which is lame........... but i'm working on it!! and sister erickson has been amazing, and being a sister training leader is helping even though i'm feeling WAYunderqualified still hah. this next transfer should be crazy! we're way excited!
> as far as investigators go, there's not much to report..... we still have not had any friends come to church with us, but that's okay, there's always next week.... lots of people have said they want to be baptized, it's just a matter of meeting with them and helping them progress and feel loved, so that's our goal for the upcoming week. we did a lot of volunteer work this week at the railroad museum, which was way fun and we met a lot of people, but it did cut into our proselyting time. but that's okay. next week will be different :) also there is the worlds giantest spider in the library window next to me right now. but that's irrelevant haha.
> sooooo.......... that's been the week!! I love you all, I miss you tons, I love being in Green Bay :) This ward is amazing, they're so excited to introduce us to their friends so we're working on doing that in the best way and helping everyone to come unto Christ! Woo-hooo!!! What a great work we are engaged in!! :) :) I love it. I really do love it, even when I'm tired and grumpy haha. The Lord is merciful! He loves us all. He is patient with us, and He sees so much more in us than we see in ourselves. Hopefully someday I'll be able to be some tiny part of what He sees in me :)
  love, love, love you so much --- have a great week :) :)>  
 sister cece proffit :) oh ps - one thing that i also loved from elder oaks is that he said he didn't know something. elder holland did that too when he spoke at the MTC. elder oaks was like "what is the gospel apart from the church? well, i'm still thinking about that one...." and i LOVE that! Even the apostles don't know everything! they don't need to! so take a chill pill sister Proffit and just rely on what you DO know haha :)
anyways. love love love you still :) :)  xoxoxoxox

sister cece :)

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