Tuesday, March 1, 2011

this is kind of fun...

For a few weeks now I've been using http://www.moodscope.com/ to track my moods, just for fun.
It uses a daily test where you rank 20 emotions on a scale from 0 - 3, 0 being "very slightly or not at all", 1 being "a little", 2 - "quite a bit", and 3 - "extremely."
Like this:
{it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the red ones are positive emotions and the blue ones are negative....}

It uses words like irritated, inspired, enthusiastic, alert, distressed, guilty, ashamed, attentive, etc. Never "happy" or "sad," which I think is good. 
I don't think it's 100% accurate because sometimes I'm feeling better than I think the graph shows, and it also sort of depends on what time of day I take the test. {To fix that I've tried to always take it at about the same time each day. 7pm, if you're interested.}
It has been helpful however in showing me what days I tend to feel better on. Usually I feel better on the days that I don't sleep in and that I go to all my classes and learn {I don't have class wednesday or friday.} So I remind myself of that in the mornings when I'm really tempted to just sleep all day :)
It's just useful for seeing what things I could be doing to improve my mood.
It includes a way for you to comment on your mood each day, maybe to explain what went well or what didn't, but I haven't used that yet.
I did it in January too, but not as regularly, so the graph isn't as accurate. February I remembered to take the little test every day :)
You can watch a short video about the theory behind moodscope here:

I'm not using it to pull myself out of a depression and I don't send my daily moods to a buddy, so I'm not using it exactly as it was intended, but it's still fun :)

1 comment:

  1. I like how it helps you be aware of what affects your mood.
