Monday, March 7, 2011

The Story of Cece and the Bully

Once upon a time, when I was in kindergarten, there was a bully. He was in third grade. He told me once that he was going to punch me so hard I would "fart out my mouth and talk out my butt." I said "...okay" and walked away.
But anyways, I told my mom about this, and we read the Friend magazine and talked about what Jesus would do and how the bully probably didn't have any friends so maybe I should ask if he wanted to be friends. 
So I did. I climbed up on the playset {which was third-grader territory} and asked the bully if he wanted to be friends. He looked at me funny, said he already had friends, and then I think he called me a mean name and pushed me off the slide. So I walked back to my friends and played hopscotch. 
And then he brought a knife to school and got expelled or suspended or something.
And I went on to become successful and brilliant and beautiful.
The end :) 


  1. So, you're saying that the Friend's advice doesn't always work?

  2. Haha yeah, pretty much ;) I just think it's a funny story hahah

  3. Bahahaha!! This still makes me chuckle! And I wrote the last two lines at the top of my calendar. They make me all empowered X)
