Saturday, February 19, 2011

prayer works

The trickiest thing with prayer for me is feeling like I'm actually doing something. I live pretty far away from most of the people that I love, so sometimes it's hard for me when they're going through something hard and need my help, and all I can do is pray. This quote from the LDS Bible Dictionary helps me feel better: 
Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings.
Sometimes I feel like I'm just saying words and that they're not really doing anything, and it's frustrating when I wish I could do more. I like this quote because it lets me know that if I'm putting forth a sincere effort - really working and not just casually praying - then it counts as work and it counts as doing something. Prayer is actually the "appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings." It's not just a little thing, as long as I don't treat it like a little thing. 

EDIT: the Hebrew word avodah is translated as both worship and work. :) 

God loves us, and he hears our prayers. Promise. :)

"What a blessing and a joy for each of us to know that our Father lives and that he loves us, that he forgives us when we repent, that he is ever willing to help and give love to his beloved children." ~Spencer W. Kimball

Have a wonderful weekend :) 

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