Sometimes when things are going really well, or when I feel like I've grasped a certain concept, I get this attitude like, "Wow, this is great! I have now Learned. I am now Mature. I Understand. I'm practically Finished, like, 60 years ahead of schedule! Must be because I'm part of that chosen generation."
And I think God must really think this is hilarious! I think He sort of laughs and says, "Oh honey. You're nineteen. You're a freshman. You might think you're an Adult, but you are still My Child, and I have so much more in store for you."
And then in His infinite love and wisdom something happens to put me back in my place. To humiliate me, literally! to make me humble. And He shows me how infinitely more there is for me to learn, and how far I have to go.
That's how life is I guess. We learn line upon line, precept upon precept. I have all these thoughts today, and experiences are going to happen tomorrow that will change me and teach me more, and they'll build on each other, and I'm never done! There is always more for me to learn. That's the beautiful thing about it :)
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through.
Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it.
This is a kind of death. ~Anaïs Nin