Monday, November 1, 2010

"to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is a touch of heaven"

so this post kind of got out of control haha. it’s ridiculously long, because i’ve been ridiculously blessed :) you probably won’t read it, and that’s okay.  i just wanted to say that i’m thankful :) 

I am thankful for:
  1. God 
  2. my Savior Jesus Christ & His Atonement
  3. the opportunity to repent and be with Him someday
  4. the Good News of the Gospel
  5. my scriptures :)
  6. my parents
  7. my siblings
  8. family love
  9. extended family
  10. support
  11. courage
  12. hope
  13. mercy
  14. happiness
  15. joy
  16. smiles
  17. rainbows
  18. flowers
  19. beautiful earth
  20. trees
  21. mountains
  22. water
  23. air… so that we can breathe
  24. music
  25. creation
  26. close friends you can say anything to
  27. people who make me laugh
  28. people who cheer me up when i’m down
  29. the internet, because it allows me to feel close to people who are far away
  30. groups of people who all love each other
  31. church
  32. headphones. so that i can listen to music in the library without disturbing others.
  33. education
  34. good teachers who have impacted my life
  35. people who are passionate about what they do
  36. cars
  37. airplanes, because they bring me home fast
  38. grandparents :)
  39. delicious food
  40. my sense of taste
  41. my brain
  42. my intelligence
  43. other people’s gifts that they bring to the world
  44. blankies
  45. eyes that see
  46. ears that hear
  47. a healthy body
  48. an apartment
  49. inspiration
  50. love
  51. God’s love
  52. Christ’s example
  53. other people’s examples
  54. people who are always happy & making other people happy
  55. people who are willing to listen
  56. God’s constancy
  57. candy
  58. chocolate
  59. ice cream
  60. the fact that i can have ice cream whenever i want it
  61. a warm comfy bed
  62. my cell phone
  63. safety
  64. freedom
  65. cookies and brownies and pie
  66. apples
  67. life
  68. change
  69. sunrises
  70. how lives can change
  71. people that have changed my life
  72. mentors
  73. people who love unconditionally
  74. playgrounds
  75. memories
  76. photographs
  77. kindness
  78. uplifting music
  79. people who are talented and share their talent with the world
  80. people who are never mean, ever
  81. people who take you for who you are and love you
  82. that love where you love someone even more because of their imperfections
  83. love that lasts forever
  84. umbrellas!
  85. rain
  86. apple crisp
  87. mothers who make you muffins when you just walked home from the bus stop in the rain and you’re cold outside and the muffins are delicious and warm and she loves you
  88. friends that are forever
  89. hard things in life that make you stronger
  90. people who understand
  91. the healing power of forgiveness
  92. people who are cheerful even when they have a right to be miserable
  93. God’s grace
  94. learning
  95. the indomitable human spirit
  96. people who aren’t afraid
  97. people who care
  98. music that makes me happy every time i listen to it
  99. knowledge
  100. funny things
  101. the gift of humor :)
  102. laughter
  103. indoor plumbing!
  104. electricity
  105. moments of peace
  106. people that say the things that i mean better than i can say them
  107. people who are inspired and share with everyone
  108. the internet, because i can find things on it
  109. people who teach me things
  110. summer because it’s warm and sunny and beautiful and it means friends and relaxing and love and family
  111. fall because it’s beautiful and crisp and the leaves are crunchy and it means hot cider and sweaters and love and progression
  112. winter because it means snowmen and snow and beauty and christmas and happy and red cheeks and scarves and boots and holidays and family and love
  113. spring because it gets warmer and the sun comes out and it’s so beautiful and the trees come to life and the flowers and the baby animals and easter and everything is wonderful and love
  114. people who for some reason love me
  115. happy birthdays!!
  116. christmas!!
  117. christmas music
  118. thanksgiving
  119. easter
  120. all the opportunities we have to celebrate life and be thankful
  121. words
  122. language
  123. expression
  124. art
  125. the ability to create music
  126. the nice things that people say that i never forget
  127. helpful people :)
  128. singing!
  129. people who never forget about you or let you go
  130. prayer
  131. musicals
  132. people who laugh at my jokes
  133. people who make others feel good about themselves
  134. faith
  135. the people i trust completely
  136. friendship
  137. snuggling
  138. little kids who love you for you
  139. people who know more than me
  140. belief
  141. pain
  142. things that make me feel
  143. dreams
  144. people who encourage you
  145. humbling experiences
  146. the bad times that make me appreciate the good ones :)
  147. the ocean
  148. beaches
  149. scenic detours… literally and metaphorically haha :)
  150. moments that take my breath away
  151. people that it’s never awkward with
  152. people that it’s always awkward and hilarious with :)
  153. the fact that i could literally go on listing things for eternity and it would never, ever be enough
  154. peanut m&ms
  155. my problems
  156. opportunity
  157. my dad & his job
  158. others’ generosity and forgiveness
  159. the beauty of a night sky
  160. that God loved us enough to go above and beyond in creating this beautiful world
  161. that I can feel His love each & every day
  162. chances to share the Love
  163. moments of triumph
  164. optimism
  165. the promise of Heaven
  166. beauty
  167. friends who point me towards Christ
  168. people who make me smile just by being alive
  169. busy days
  170. quiet days
  171. the promise of a new day, every day
  172. friendship that isn’t affected by time or space
  173. that i don’t have to understand something to believe in it
  174. strength
  175. God’s omnipotence
  176. best friends
  177. modern medicine
  178. miracles
  179. Christ’s Resurrection
  180. God’s care
  181. to have people in my life that I love enough to miss
  182. to go to an exceptional university
  183. clean drinking water
  184. benjamin franklin
  185. george washington
  186. rainboots!
  187. really, really great hugs that say everything without saying anything
  188. silence
  189. pillows!
  190. dance parties!
  191. the sun
  192. the moon
  193. the stars
  194. curiosity
  195. discovery
  196. independence
  197. happy-for-no-reason days :)
  198. old people who have a lot of wisdom & care about our generation
  199. the little things that make my life better that i don’t even know about
  200. friendly people :)
  201. confidence boosts :)
  202. that i can vote
  203. that i don’t always get what i want
  204. that God is always in control
  205. corn on the cob
  206. people who are courageous enough & willing to stand up for right
  207. differences
  208. selfless people
  209. the piano
  210. computers
  211. moral agency & the gift of choice
  212. digital cameras
  213. my roommates & that we love each other :)
  214. time
  215. slumber parties
  216. the little bugs that eat things and clean things and the germs that live inside of me and keep me healthy
  217. that my heart keeps beating, day after day, and that i cannot make my own heart beat
  218. to be alive
  219. stories
  220. books that i get lost in
  221. little gifts that God gives us for no other reason than to show us He loves us
  222. people who are just Good
  223. laughter hiccups :)
  224. people who are just a little bit off and make life interesting and funny :) :)
  225. Light
  226. clouds
  227. color
  228. society, company, gatherings, parties :)
  229. my faith in humanity
  230. that people sweat and don’t have to roll around in the mud like pigs do or pant like dogs
  231. depth of emotion
  232. light-hearted moments :)
  233. that God gave us families
  234. a mother’s love
  235. a father’s love
  236. the men in my life who respect women and are strong and courageous and noble and wonderful and sweet and caring and a shining ideal of everything a man should be
  237. glasses that help me see!
  238. prescription sunglasses
  239. sunglasses in general
  240. couches and chairs that are perfect for napping
  241. comfort
  242. discomfort, because it tells me that something is wrong
  243. my laptop
  244. seatbelts & carseats
  245. windows
  246. cleanliness
  247. a sense of smell
  248. the ability to let the unimportant things go
  249. the healing power of Christ
  250. optimistic people :)
  251. that family’s are forever
  252. the my parents love each other
  253. that my siblings and i have always gotten along and that we have so much love for each other
  254. diversity
  255. experiences in life that give me empathy
  256. friends who have given me a heart full of joy
  257. the changing seasons
  258. that life is fun :)
  259. a voice
  260. fresh fruits & vegetables
  261. that i had braces
  262. that i don’t have braces anymore :)
  263. toes and fingers and thumbs
  264. birds that sing in the morning :)
  265. the warmth of the sun & sunshine
  266. pillow fights!
  267. that i live now and not then
  268. acne medication!!
  269. God’s omniscience
  270. farmers and construction workers and janitors and septic tank workers and garbage collectors and all the workers who do their thankless jobs every day, without whom we wouldn’t be able to get along
  271. recycling
  272. the post office and mail people
  273. my warm winter coats
  274. that snail mail is fun and that instant communication is possible
  275. my incredible prosperity compared to most of the world
  276. opportunities to give back
  277. libraries
  278. people who hold the door open for strangers
  279. weather
  280. wind
  281. people who pick up litter
  282. people who voluntarily make huge sacrifices for other people 
  283. that Christ understands everything anyone has ever felt
  284. everyone who’s ever given me a ride, ever
  285. people who do nice things without even thinking about it
  286. doctors and nurses
  287. dentists
  288. people who go to school for a lot of time and pay a lot of money so that they can help other people
  289. EMT’s, police people, 911 operators, firefighters, ambulance drivers, and everyone who dedicates their life to public service and risks their life every day
  290. people who are first aid certified
  291. people who save lives
  292. hospitals
  293. America
  294. answered prayers
  295. unanswered prayers :)
  296. that this world was put together just perfectly 
  297. days when you laugh so hard everything hurts and you’re so so happy :)
  298. inventors
  299. people who comfort you when you’re sad
  300. back rubs
  301. foot massages
  302. that my family moved where we did
  303. babies! :)
  304. that my life is so blessed
  305. hilarious movies
  306. bollywood movies :)
  307. crayons! :)
  308. for my life and that i’m me :)
  309. people who don’t wait to be asked before doing the right thing
  310. that i believe in miracles and that i’ve seen them happen
  311. hot apple cider
  312. different cultures
  313. travel
  314. individuality 
  315. you, and whatever it is that you bring to the world that no one else does or could ever do as well. thanks :)
  316. i suppose math. because it allows engineers to build things and… other great things. 
  317. perseverance & persistence
  318. toothpaste & toothbrushes & deodorant & shampoo & soap
  319. other religions/belief systems and the good that they bring to the world - it’s awesome
  320. people all over who are trying to do the best they can with what they’ve got. you’re doing great :)
  321. validation & compliments
  322. 13 years of free education
  323. jello!
  324. family traditions
  325. my teeth! chomp chomp.
  326. how my body just goes on its merry way, running itself and mostly taking care of itself too. 
  327. Costco tasters! :) free samples in general, actually
  328. heritage
  329. history
  330. that plants can grow in the dirt
  331. that it’s easy for me to get a healthy, nutritious diet
  332. prophets & apostles
  333. men & women in uniform
  334. people who are dedicated to doing their job well
  335. handwarmers! and gloves and mittens and scarves and hats and snowboots
  336. central heating
  337. air conditioning
  338. how everything just works together so perfectly most of the time
  339. harmony
  340. awareness
  341. the Word of God
  342. the sacrifices that others have made so that i can have all that i do
  343. God’s power
  344. fellowship & community
  345. packages in the mail :)
  346. the freezer. 
  347. people who know things and use that knowledge to help other people. like the people who know how to hook the computer to the projector and make the sound come out. love them. 
  348. that life is beautiful
  349. when people say what you needed to hear without even knowing it
  350. skype!
  351. telephone calls
  352. hilarious stories
  353. experience
  354. new friends :)
  355. eternity & infinity
  356. that there’s more to be seen than can ever be seen, & more to do than could ever be done :) 
  357. my upbringing
  358. my home
  359. museums, art exhibits, etc. :) 
  360. singing really loud, in the car, the shower, anywhere & everywhere :)
  361. day-brighteners :)
  362. that there is always someone looking out for me
  363. pizza
  364. pop
  365. that i can walk
  366. shoes!
  367. trust
  368. confidence
  369. ugly sweaters
  370. family photos
  371. groups of people that feel like family
  372. ugly days… they make me appreciate the other days
  373. days when you just feel really, really good about yourself & the way you look :)
  374. naps :)
  375. the day after vacation when you’re back in your own home and your own bed and your own shower and you had a great vacation but you’re so happy to be home because it’s your home and you remember how much you love it :) 
  376. the first shower after a really long camping trip
  377. that day after being sick when you’re NOT sick anymore!
  378. reunions
  379. people who are always really excited to see you :)
  380. excitement
  381. that happiness and excitement are contagious :)
  382. my dad
  383. the incomprehensible
  384. things that make me stand in awe
  385. immensity 
  386. amazement
  387. my hair
  388. vacations
  389. road trips
  390. wisdom
  391. action
  392. webcams!
  393. all those times when things could’ve been really bad but weren’t
  394. happy accidents that i don’t believe were accidents
  395. that God knows me better than I know myself
  396. heartbreak
  397. human potential
  398. other peoples’ gratitude :)
  399. my mistakes
  400. that God is great :)

1 comment:

  1. love this! and love you! just made my life a little brighter :)
