Sunday, August 8, 2010

this is what i think.

I think that there is good in just about everything. God can work through almost anything to touch people and bring them closer to Him. Pretty much every religion has at least some small iota of truth. There's something there that, through the Spirit, God can help me learn from. President Hinckley said kind of the same thing - all people have some light {the light of Christ}. It's our job to add to that light, both in ourselves and in others by sharing the light of the gospel. And I think that different people will attain different amounts of light in this life time. So we shouldn't disparage other religions for what they have wrong, but respect them for what they have right and for the good they do in people's lives. And always try to share the light we have with others and to bring them closer to Christ. And, we shouldn't "hide our light." Because the light is Christ :)
And also, I believe that goodness can't come from something evil. Everything good comes from God. It is impossible for the devil to produce something good, because goodness draws us to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Christ is the source of all light.
Moroni 7:11Matthew 12:25-26Matthew 7:16-18Moroni 7:12-13, 16-17Alma 5:40Ether 4:11-12D&C 11:12

EDIT: President Hinckley's actual quote is as follows: "To anybody who is not of this Church, I say we recognize all of the virtues and the good that you have. Bring it with you and see if we might add to it.” Gordon B. Hinckley, "“This Thing Was Not Done in a Corner”", Ensign, Nov. 1996, 48

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