Wednesday, September 29, 2010

how to stem a flood.

Once upon a time, I was sleeping in my bed. At the absurdly early hour of 8:30am, my roommate wakes me up in a panic because “There’s a flood in the bathroom!!!” I was extremely confused, because I was still basically asleep. I told her to just fix it, but she said “No I need your help!!!” 
When I finally got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, it was FLOODED. COMPLETELY. FULL OF WATER. The water was starting to lap out of the bathroom and on to the carpet. In the actual toilet area there was about an inch and a half of standing water. And the toilet was SPEWING WATER. overflowing, and squirting. I did not know this was possible. 
So I just stood there, really confused and still trying to wake up while my roommate freaked out. Eventually she waded over to the toilet, (luckily it was clean water,) and I told her to lift the top off and fix it. Which worked, sort of. It stopped the overflow but the toilet was still spewing. And my blankie was getting wet. 
After a while the spewing stopped too; I forget how. 
So then I went back to sleep, basically abandoning my roommate, but I was tired. I had to wake up like 30 minutes later to go to school, so that was dumb. And as I was walking through the living room to get my breakfast, I walked through a puddle. In the carpet. squish squish. yucky. We’re still not sure how it got there because it was dry all around and not even close to the bathroom. What the heck. And I kept forgetting it was there and walking through it again. Disgusting. 
While I was asleep, my roommate had mopped up most of the water in the bathroom with rugs and towels. 
Then we were late for class…. so we left.  

I'm at the library right now.

I hope all my stuff is alright.

The end.
sorry alannah. ♥ :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

awkward moments of the day

-singing "i'm feelin like a star you can't stop my shine!" out loud (on accident) in the library and then having people stare.

-the pakistani man sitting next to me in the library falling asleep, then snoring, then drooling. while still sitting up in his chair. what exactly am i supposed to do in that situtation??!?

-the lady in the testing center saying "good luck on your test" and me replying "thanks you too..." then standing there awkwardly before running away with my test.


awkward moments forever. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


my life is an embarrassing situation. i'm used to it.

but the most truly embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me? story. once upon a time i was working on a drama production, and the girls were using the boys restroom as a dressing room. after we had all cleaned out and were backstage before the show, one of the girls discovered she had left her bag or something in the boy's bathroom, so i went to go look for it. audience people were already there waiting in line, buying tickets.... using the bathrooms...... so i walked in to the men's restroom (which wasn't weird since we'd been using it for hairspray, makeup, etc.) but it WAS weird because a man was in there using the urinal for its intended purpose. i won't go in to details. but it was. embarrassing. and awkward. but not the most embarrassing thing of my life, because i am sadly used to that sort of thing happening. no, the MOST embarrassing part of my life was AFTER the show, when said man approaches me and begins to TALK about our lovely bathroom encounter. in front of everyone. ummm..... what exactly is the proper response to, "hey, i remember you! from the bathroom! you saw me peeing!!"
....... it was awk. i gave uncomfortable laughter. and the man would not shut up. he just kept talking about it. i do not know why. he was probably a psycho. 

the end.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

i can save a life

Giving blood is at once the coolest and most terrifying thing of my life. Part of me insists that my blood should stay inside my body where it belongs, and that it’s too painful, and that someone else can give blood today because I’m too scared*

But at the same time, I can’t deny that giving blood is probably the only time I will ever have the opportunity to save a life, ever. And it’s so easy! Admittedly not pain-free, but since when is anything worth doing done without some sacrifice? Compared to rescuing someone from a burning building or pushing someone out of the way of a speeding vehicle, giving blood is really. easy. And it saves lives, just the same. 

(Side-note: I wear my arm bandage like it's a badge of courage and honor. Maybe making too big of a deal of out it, but hey. It was scary for me.) 

And while I may not have that many opportunities to perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver on someone, I can give blood every eight weeks. It only costs me a little bit of time, and a tiny bit of pain. And really, I can handle that. For next-to-nothing, I get to feel sort of like a hero.  I can feel like maybe my existence on earth made someone else’s existence a little bit better. I can do my part to contribute to the general well-being of mankind. I may not be a firefighter or a nurse or a doctor, but I can do this one thing. 

At least that’s what I tell myself, as I sit nervously in the hard plastic waiting chair.

The cookies and juice help a lot too. Yummy.

*Reading through the list of things that can disqualify a person from donating made me realize that not just everyone can give blood. Actually only about 38% of Americans are eligible to donate - and less than 10% do. One more reason I’m glad I’ve lived the life I have, and what a good reason to keep living it. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

ten reasons to 'like'

  1. it’s like giving a thumbs-up to the world
  2. it shows approval or agreement without even having to say anything
  3. it makes people feel good about their comments
  4. i actually do like a lot of things
  5. i believe in expressing approval
  6. things make me laugh. thus, i like them.
  7. i believe in validating other people’s attempts at humor and/or wit
  8. liking is virtually risk-free. creepy “liking” is rarely called out or commented on, giving me the freedom to “like” the comments of veritable strangers without fear of my creepiness being brought to attention. in the case of comments on a wall post, there isn’t even an option to comment on said liking. leaving me free to like, show my appreciation, and move on.
  9. liking comments does not result in billions of notifications afterwards, which results in a sort of “why not like this” attitude.
  10. i like to imagine that it makes someone’s day a tiiiiinyyy bit brighter to have their comment “liked.” a post not liked is a post under-appreciated, in my opinion. if it is funny, witty, or otherwise like-worthy, why not let them know? all it takes is the click of a button :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

football game: the first

This game was exciting because we were playing the UW Huskies, my home state team and the school a lot of my friends were going to. We had been trash talking for weeks haha. Also the Huskies' coach used to play for BYU, and BYU's quarterback Jake Heaps had been offered a scholarship by the Huskies but chose BYU instead. So it was a pret.ty intense game :)
sooo excited!!
we had great seats :)

it was so hot! 
sorryyy washington :) 

so fun!